Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Come Support Muhammad Mosque of Charleston's 1st Annual Health Fair

The State of the Health in South Carolina and Charleston CountyAs you may be aware, from January 1, 1981 to December 31, 2009, 20,027 residents in South Carolina contracted HIV/AIDS. Of those who were diagnosed with this disease, 10,033 have died from this illness, while 9,994 are still living.The age range most infected with this disease is from 20-39 years of age.In 2009 South Carolina ranked 9th in recorded AIDS cases, while Columbia ranked 6th and North Charleston ranked 20th in comparison to other major cities.In the year 2009, 36% of black people in South Carolina suffered with arthritis.In the year 2008, Charleston County:
  • Reported 242 blacks were hospitalized for hypertension while 27 died from this illness.
  • Reported 393 blacks were hospitalized for diabetes while 48 died from this illness.
  • Reported 77 black women were hospitalized for breast cancer while 13 died from this illness.
  • Reported 84 black males were hospitalized for prostate cancer while 10 died from this illness.
In the year 2008, it was reported that being overweight contributed to 32% of heart disease deaths each year.More than 73% of blacks in South Carolina are overweight or obese. For black women, 3 out of 4 are considered overweight or obese.Something must be done!Do your part in promoting self-awareness by joining Muhammad Mosque of Charleston for a Community Health Fair on Saturday, September 24, 2011 from 9:00AM-1:00PM!Corner of Reynolds and Spruill Avenue in North Charleston, SC!
For more information please contact Bro. Earl Muhammad at (843) 513-6163

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