Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Come Support Muhammad Mosque of Charleston's 1st Annual Health Fair

The State of the Health in South Carolina and Charleston CountyAs you may be aware, from January 1, 1981 to December 31, 2009, 20,027 residents in South Carolina contracted HIV/AIDS. Of those who were diagnosed with this disease, 10,033 have died from this illness, while 9,994 are still living.The age range most infected with this disease is from 20-39 years of age.In 2009 South Carolina ranked 9th in recorded AIDS cases, while Columbia ranked 6th and North Charleston ranked 20th in comparison to other major cities.In the year 2009, 36% of black people in South Carolina suffered with arthritis.In the year 2008, Charleston County:
  • Reported 242 blacks were hospitalized for hypertension while 27 died from this illness.
  • Reported 393 blacks were hospitalized for diabetes while 48 died from this illness.
  • Reported 77 black women were hospitalized for breast cancer while 13 died from this illness.
  • Reported 84 black males were hospitalized for prostate cancer while 10 died from this illness.
In the year 2008, it was reported that being overweight contributed to 32% of heart disease deaths each year.More than 73% of blacks in South Carolina are overweight or obese. For black women, 3 out of 4 are considered overweight or obese.Something must be done!Do your part in promoting self-awareness by joining Muhammad Mosque of Charleston for a Community Health Fair on Saturday, September 24, 2011 from 9:00AM-1:00PM!Corner of Reynolds and Spruill Avenue in North Charleston, SC!
For more information please contact Bro. Earl Muhammad at (843) 513-6163

Farrakhan: The Divine Value of the Female

Farrakhan: The Divine Value of the Female

Time for women to take divine place as mothers of new civilization
Mosque Maryam was fi lled to capacity to hear Minister Farrakhan’s timely message “The Divine Value of Women” on Sept.11. Photo:

CHICAGO ( - The enemy's aim has been to devalue the woman transforming her into a sexual plaything instead of treating her with the reverence and honor she deserves as a serious co-creator with God, said The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in an important and sobering message delivered at Mosque Maryam, the international headquarters of the Nation of Islam.
The upstairs section of Mosque Maryam was packed with women seeking guidance from the Minister. Photo: Courtney X. Powell
“No matter what your race, color or ethnicity, you have never looked at yourself as a part of The Divine. That will change today,” Min. Farrakhan told the packed auditorium and those viewing live Sept. 11 via internet webcast.Minister Farrakhan's special message wrapped up three days of spiritual and physical renewal for young women of the Nation of Islam as Muslim women and girls from all across the United States and as far away as Montreal, Canada attended the three-day 2011 National Vanguard Retreat at the beautiful Indian Lakes Resort in Bloomingdale, Illinois and included a meeting and visit at the Minister's farm in Michigan.
Uniformed sisters of the MGT & GCC Vanguard—a specialized unit composed of Muslim females age 16-35—filled the entire sanctuary of Mosque Maryam and the lower level prayer room to hear guidance from the Minister on the divine nature and value of women.
(Seated L-R) Sister Karriema Muhammad, First Lady of the Nation of Islam Mother Khadijah Farrakhan and her daughter and coordinator for the 2011 National Vanguard Retreat, Sister Betsy Jean Farrakhan. Photo:
“We live in the creation of God and whatever God creates is of himself, and if God is the author and source of divinity, how could He create a universe and that universe not be divine? You can't improve on anything that he created. He created it perfect,” said Min. Farrakhan.Human beings are the only things created after God's image and likeness, said the Minister even though some Muslim scholars do not want to accept the fact that humans can reflect God's qualities. Minister Farrakhan dispatched their position with two questions.
“How could you be in his image and after his likeness and not have his divine nature? Why are you justified in wearing the attributes of God if you cannot reflect those attributes that are divine?” he asked.
Speaking to the few men in the sanctuary and those who filled the gymnasium of Muhammad University of Islam adjacent to the mosque, Minister Farrakhan said aspects of this special message were for men; however the focus on the day would be on women.
“God cannot make us the head if the woman is not lifted. If God does not lift the woman, the man will never come up, so if God is going to make a new world and a better world, He is going to make that world coming through a woman,” said Min. Farrakhan.
Prophecy fulfilled
Mother Tynnetta Muhammad, wife of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, speaks at Mosque Maryam on Sept. 11. Photo: Courtney X. Powell
In brief opening remarks prior to the Minister's arrival, Mother Tynnetta Muhammad, world traveler, researcher and wife of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, added to the special significance of the three-day retreat by telling the audience about “Table Talks” discovered by his great-grandson, Sultan Rahman Muhammad, in which Mr. Muhammad—talking to a gathering of Nation of Islam Muslim Girls Training and General Civilization Class officials—saw women coming together in the future “in large numbers to form a convention of women, thousands and thousands together.”She said the Honorable Elijah Muhammad envisioned women in all fields of endeavor representing the highest levels of the divine word of God. The date of this table talk conversation was Sept. 11, 1973. Thirty-eight years later, Minister Farrakhan, as he has so many times before, walked directly into the fulfillment of his teacher's desires.
Mother Tynnetta Muhammad said her husband looked to leadership to take on the “great responsibility of raising our young women as the leaders of a New World Order walking beside our men that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that he could make us so beautiful and so well trained that he could send us out to the world in committees, with that training and the world's attention would be on our women. Whether it was in China—these are his words from those table talks—or any part of the world and the people would come and say ‘who is this?' and want to know where did we come from and they would recognize us by our expression of love, joy, etiquette, cleanliness, good manners, having the knowledge like a bright star in our heads,” said Mother Tynnetta Muhammad. “As you are so beautiful in outward appearance, let us shine up the inside of the house. Let our hearts be as beautiful—or more beautiful—than our outside appearance, and walk with our men into heavenly paradise, the light of the Hereafter.”
A celestial sign follows a strong messageMinister Farrakhan reflected on the stern tone of the message he delivered just one day earlier on Sept. 10 to the women who visited his farm in Michigan for a special Saturday meeting as part of their retreat. The Minister, like a strong and caring leader and father, delivered loving yet firm words that drew cheers and applause from the audience that packed a huge tent set up for the day's activities. (See photos pages 16 and 17.) More acknowledgment of the Minister's divine message came later that evening as dozens of aircraft (commonly called UFOs) appeared in the sky above his farm in New Buffalo, Mich., as a sign after the retreat participants had left the property.
Minister Farrakhan shows some of the hand made gifts, products, and publications presented to him by the sisters as Student National MGT & GCC Captain Sandy Muhammad looks on.Photo: Richard B. Muhammad
“It was like an exclamation point to my talk to you, and it was as though God was smiling on you for accepting the role of a woman and accepting righteousness as your way of life. There will never be a righteous kingdom until and unless there is a righteous woman. Where there are no decent women, there are no decent men for the woman—the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches—the Black woman in particular is the mother of civilization,” he said to the audience at Mosque Maryam.Scriptural foundationThe Minister pointed out that the Holy Qur'an has an entire chapter dedicated to women. Chapter 4 is titled, “Al-Nisa: The Women.” Additionally, Chapter 19 is named after the mother of Jesus—Maryam, which is the Arabic form of Mary. Mary according to the Holy Qur'an was referred to as “the best of women” and the angels were in dispute as to who would have charge of her. She is an example for all women, he said. Despite the critics who claim Islam oppresses women, there is nothing equivalent in the Holy Bible, though there are great women mentioned in the Bible.
“She (Mary) was not an unchaste woman even though the Jews charged her with fornication and even referred to her offspring as an illegitimate child,” Min. Farrakhan explained. “She had to be secretly put away because the Jews at that time, immersed in the Law of Moses, if they saw the woman pregnant and no man, they would have charged her and killed her, so God protected her and the Qur'an says ‘Jesus and his mother were a sign.' A sign is pointing to something bigger than itself.”
Minister Farrakhan defined character as “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to that individual.” He then defined essence as “the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of that thing, especially something abstract that determines its character.”
Speaking to men and women he asked, “What happened to us that our morals are not where God wants them to be, our mental qualities have been curtailed, brought down, even killed?”
Men and women in society have fallen so low, they no longer represent what God intends for them to be, Min. Farrakhan continued. The Minister said the essence of man and woman is God Himself and the essence that determines character is the strength of their connection to The Creator.
In the book of Genesis in the Bible, Minister Farrakhan pointed out that God created male and female and “called their name Adam,” showing that there is no man without a woman. God then gave man and woman assignments emanating from the very nature of His creation “to be fruitful and multiply.” God then gave them dominion giving them the very knowledge needed with which to rule.
“You can't be stupid and rule! He (God) never intended for a woman to be ignorant; he never intended for a woman to be unlearned and uneducated because if you are unlearned and uneducated, you cannot fulfill your destiny,” said Minister Farrakhan. “The enemy wanted you dumb. The enemy wants you to think nothing of yourself, so the enemy strips you of your real nature. He has denatured the female and the male and anytime somebody denatures you, they have devalued you. So right now as a woman or as a Black man, you are not valued, and the worst part of that is, you don't value yourself.”
Brothers sat outside and watched on the video marquis on the grounds of Mosque Maryam. Photo: Richard B. Muhammad
Men and women are so devalued in this society that the word “b---h” is a commonly used expression by men and women to refer to women. Women have now been turned into “toxic denatured females” and sex objects stripped of their clothes in order to stimulate men and to be considered “sexy” by this world's standards, he said.“You have made yourself a dog and you are bringing the dog out of men!” added Minister Farrakhan. “Everything the enemy puts before you is to make you sexually attractive to a man, and that's why you are in so much pain because you attracted a dog! You attracted a man that acts like a dog and he made a b---h out of you!”
Speaking of popular female entertainers such as Rhianna, Beyonce and Nicki Minaj, Min. Farrakhan said women in general, and Black women in particular, are portrayed as sexual playthings. This reduces the mother of civilization to a degraded state in which the shape of her body determines her worth and creates a society of degenerates, he explained.
“What in the world are we thinking about that we measure the value of a woman by the shape of her backside? Is this who you are? Is this what you want to be or do you want something better?” he asked.
The Divine womb
Mosque Maryam was fi lled to capacity to hear Minister Farrakhan’s timely message “The Divine Value of Women” on Sept.11. Photo: Richard B. Muhammad
Minister Farrakhan said God gives the woman a womb that resembles the darkness of space out of which He created everything. Referring to the womb as “the workshop of God,” Min. Farrakhan lamented the way women give up their virtue and chastity to men without a commitment or proof the men are worthy.“You are so valuable that a man should never have you just to have you. He's got to be worthy of you or he's not worth having you!” said the Minister. “There is hardly a man out here that's worthy of you giving away yourself to him. Now there are some out there worthy, but if you are not looking for worthy you will get what you get and you do not look for somebody worthy of you because you have no self-worth—so any man that looks or talks good gets you to lie down with him.”
The act of sex is an act of responsibility. Many women have now become “party mammas” allowing anyone to impregnate them giving birth to children that are raised by grandparents, who pay for the irresponsible actions of their own children. The womb is a “sacred passageway” that should not be easily accessible, said the Minister.
“The chamber to the womb is a sacred chamber that must be guarded,” he stressed.
Using an example from geopolitics, Minister Farrakhan described how much money is spent by nations to defend access to channels and strategic waterways between land masses.
“These geopolitically (canals) are so valuable that they fight for the advantage to be in those places so they can govern, monitor, control and even keep ships they don't like from using those waterways. That's how valuable channels are. The channel to the womb is a sacred channel that must be guarded. The Qur'an says ‘guard your chastity.' ”
A new economic realityAnother critical area Minister Farrakhan outlined was the central role of women in the creation of a new economic and social reality. “Did you know Elijah Muhammad said that the woman is the field through which we produce our Nation? He describes you as earth. Earth is fundamental in everything and so are you,” said Min. Farrakhan. “You are the earth; you are the foundation of civilization.”
Women used to be taught home economics classes which gave them fundamental knowledge of how to sew clothes and cook. This base knowledge not only helped save money because women knew how to make their own clothes, but the knowledge of what type of food to buy and how to properly prepare it resulted in saving money, and healthier people.
He told the audience how Master Fard Muhammad, the Great Mahdi and teacher of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, emptied out the medicine cabinets of his early followers, saying “your kitchen is your hospital.” Grandmothers and great-grandmothers used simple things from the garden to treat ailments, said Min. Farrakhan.
“The earth itself has everything in it that we need,” said Min. Farrakhan. “They studied the nature of what was around them and when we got sick there was no hospital, they went into the field and picked something up and came in and made some tea for us and we got well. We've lost that power!”
The Jewish people should be studied and used as an example of how a people working together in unity, with a common goal can become powerful, rich and influential, the Minister said.
“In the Babylonian Talmud, Jews are all told ‘you must acquire land.' So Jewish people, no matter where they are in the world, you'll always find them having land, real estate, and cash that they invest,” said Min. Farrakhan.
Their acquisition of land opened the way to embark on trade and commerce and banking and now, the entire world has to go through them.
Black people suffering “indescribable pain” through sharecropping were misused and kept in perpetual debt. Fleeing the skillfully deceptive merchants of the South and the arduous work, many sharecroppers left Southern farms for Northern factories. They did not know, however, that the people who owned factories up North were connected to those running farms down South. Ultimately, this abusive and painful experience diminished the collective Black desire for land ownership.
Cotton comes from the land then is made into clothing that is sold on the market for revenue. Vegetables come from the land and can be eaten and sold for revenue as well. It is a simple formula, essential to the teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, that has worked for others in the past, the present and can work for the collective Black nation now and in the future.
“Today, you will know that I have a teacher that I am a student of, who loves you so much that he will absolutely train us and is training us to protect you with our lives,” Minister Farrakhan told the women in the audience.

Friday, July 15, 2011

‘Planking' craze reminds some of slavery

‘Planking' craze reminds some of slavery

(NNPA) - A fad entitled “planking” has recently emerged that calls for participants to find the most difficult place in which to lie face down with palms to the side and feet pointed to the floor. It was originated by two men in Australia.

Some say the fad reminds them too much of African slaves who had to lie in the same position for months during the “Middle Passage.”

The game is said to have been by started by Aussies Gary Clarkson and Christian Langdon 14 years ago, according to The Sydney Morning Herald. As children, they performed in public places, reveling in amusement from onlookers. But they had no idea their practice would one day garner worldwide attention, with “plankers” sharing their pictures on social media.

“It was just a really stupid, random thing to do,” Mr. Clarkson told the Australian newspaper. Other Australian kids took up the practice and, in 2007, a Facebook group was created. Plankers from Europe and America started to share their planking pictures on the group and as it gained followers, the practice received worldwide attention.

But, participants found more risky places to lie face down, culminating in the death of a 20-year-old who tried to plank off a balcony. The negative media attention from that incident increased as some began to link the game to slavery.

“If you look at the pictures of the ships used in the ‘Middle Passage,' slaves used the planks as beds,” a report on news web site The Black Urban Times stated. According to the news site, plank collars, or wooden planks with five openings, were used as holding collars for five slaves. Commentator Daja Robinson on entertainment web site called the game a cruel reminder of the past. “This ‘game' is another way to remind us that no matter how far we've come, we will always be a slave to our past,” Ms. Robinson said. “Not that deep to you? Just a game? Well ask your grandparents how they feel about lying face down with their hands to their sides while you take a picture to laugh with your friends and post on Twitter for views.”

In the book “The Slave Ship: A Human History,” author Marcus Rediker detailed the workings of British and American slave ships during the 18th century.

“Vessels in the slave trade needed to be sturdy and durable, so (the buyer) insisted both vessels be built with heavy ‘2 ½ and 3-inch plank with good substantial bends or Whales,” Mr. Rediker wrote.

The author described Oladuh Equiano's Middle Passage as a “pageant of cruelty, degradation and death.”

“The enslaved were spooned together in close quarters, each with about as much room as a corpse in a coffin,” he wrote.

While the current practice of planking did not stem from undertones of slavery, Camillo Smith, a columnist with The Grio called the position a “humiliation and confinement for African people during the Middle Passage” and referenced a passage from, “Upon these Shores: Themes in the African-American Experience, 1600 to the Present.”

“Some ships had tiny bunks, really nothing more than shelves, on which slaves could recline; in others, the slaves lay side by side on the planking, rolling with the ship, bodies virtually touching, for weeks on end,” the book states.

So do you still want to plank?

Petition to make Black History Curriculum Mandatory in grades K-12!

U.S. CONGRESS and Obama Administration: Make it MANDATORY that the History of the Black Experience, including the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, be taught in all K-12 curricula, and that it be funded through the U.S. Department of Education Petition

To: U.S. Congress and Obama Administration

We, the undersigned, demand that our nation’s lawmakers—the Barrack Obama administration and Congress—establish the history of the African Experience—including the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade—in the curricula of the nation’s public schools, and that it be treated with the same importance as the Jewish Holocaust and Heritage. The Jewish people were victims of a brutal experience under Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany, and all Americans have been expected to support the legal, educational, and humanitarian requirement to study this history in our schools to ensure that the history of the Jewish experience is never forgotten and never repeated. Wide knowledge of this history has aided and motivated the Jewish people to accomplish and overcome this difficult past, so that today the Jewish people stand as examples and leaders in many areas of endeavor from culture, to science, to business.

The Africans’ Experience and the African Slave Trade must be treated with the same importance as the Jewish Experience, to ensure that this tragic history never takes place again in the history of man.

Furthermore, we, the undersigned, believe that at the root of our Black community’s tragic degradation is the vast knowledge gap between our past accomplishments and the problems of the present generation. After the Civil War, the newly emancipated slaves set up dozens of independent, self-governing “Black towns,” and they established schools, farms, and businesses for their own communities, yet more than a century and a half later Black communities across the nation face an increase in high school drop-out rates, increases in incarceration rates, and increased poverty, to name a few of the chronic social ills. Instead of declaring a national emergency and mobilizing nationally to find permanent solutions, America has made calculated efforts to remove Black history from textbooks and school curricula. This kind of destructive targeting of Jewish history would never be tolerated.

We, the undersigned, demand that our elected federal, state, and local officials, and especially our school boards, support this petition and act strongly to bring official attention to this crisis and to the history that preceded it. The greatness of the United States of America and the creation of its vast industrial complex are a direct result of the expertise, ingenuity, hard work, raw talent, and bloodshed of Black Americans over hundreds of years. The extent of their contribution is a well-kept secret to most Americans. The descendants of the enslaved, and the descendants of their enslavers, have all been deceived and purposely misled about this critical connection to the past.

We, the undersigned, believe that the books The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews: Vols. 1 & 2, provide the critical knowledge link in the study of the American Slavery Experience. These books, published by the Nation of Islam, and based primarily on the research of Jewish historians, extensively document and properly interpret the Black experience in slavery and Jim Crow, and they reveal the very source of America’s current economic and political infrastructure. Also, Blacks and others have been taught that Jewish people “suffered like black people,” but this new information finally corrects our vision as to the true reason for today’s vast disparity in the social, political, and economic position of Black people as compared with their White and Jewish counterparts.

Therefore, we, the undersigned, join our Jewish counterparts in their commitment to “never again” allow the oppression and degradation of any people. We believe that only through requiring the accurate teaching of the great history of the Black Experience—just as the Jewish experience is taught to us—can America achieve the true greatness that has been denied to her. The survival of the Nation now depends on its knowledge and understanding of the rich history and heritage of the same people whose blood, sweat, and tears built everything that the United States prides itself on. Our nation’s leaders, from President Barrack Obama to our local school boards, must now mandate this curriculum change. This may very well be America’s final call to true change.


The Undersigned

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Elevated Places with Dr. Ava Muhammad Online Radio by Dr Ava Muhammad | Blog Talk Radio

Elevated Places with Dr. Ava Muhammad Online Radio by Dr Ava Muhammad | Blog Talk Radio

Elevated Places with Dr. Ava Muhammad

Dr. Ava Muhammad is a gifted attorney, minister, researcher and author of the powerful and popular book, REAL LOVE. She received her Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University in Washington D.C. and is a member of the New York Bar. She has been featured in Essence Magazine and Virtue Magazine, which named her one of America's most powerful Black women. The focus of her work is self-empowerment and community development. Click on her website under the "Profile" heading on this page to order books and lectures and to schedule Dr. Ava for speaking more

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 4

Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 4


*Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 1
*Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 2
*Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 3

The world that we live in desires first of all to hide the truth to keep the Black man who is made blind, deaf and dumb by the scientific tricknology of the white race, so that the white race can continue to carry on the same deceiving and wickedness that they have been practicing.The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Fall of America


Within this four-part Final Call series, we see every sector of American society implementing profoundly racist policies and programs that are respected and enforced by every other sector. The executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government, private industry, the media, the labor movement, religious institutions, and the corporate world—ALL have agreed on one thing: White Supremacy must prevail. Here are the “nuts and bolts” of this wicked and racist system.


Government Sabotage: FBI's COINTELPRO

The FBI took hundreds of known actions against Black advancement organizations during the “civil rights era,” including the use of agent provocateurs, saboteurs, wiretapping, the planting of false rumors and disinformation, and the murders of key leaders and activists. The FBI's own files reveal that the most surveilled, infiltrated, and investigated group of Americans are Black Americans; and of those, the Nation of Islam has garnered more “security index files” than any other organization, including the Communist Party and the Ku Klux Klan. This nefarious activity has only increased with the passage of the 2001 “Patriot Act” after the American/Israeli false flag operation of 9/11. The uncountable agencies formed under the auspices of the Nazi-esque “Homeland Security” have simply moved Blacks into the category of “terrorism” and carried out the malevolent mandate of the legendary racist and cross-dressing FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. They have also farmed out many of their former governmental functions to private firms like Blackwater, Southern Poverty Law Center, or the Anti-Defamation League.

Affirmative Action

The presidential executive orders of the 1960s known as “affirmative action” were only intended to address government employment discrimination or discrimination by private businesses that received government contracts. Other private businesses were not covered and most simply refused to hire Blacks. In 1970, the majority of Black college graduates were government employees—the only entity forced by law to take them. Unions were not covered, and at one point a major national union had but 50 Black apprentices—just one for every state!

The civil rights movement held great “affirmative action” benefits for Jews, women, and gays, however. All stood in the background whilst Blacks took the beatings, water hoses, lynchings, and insults to pry open the doors to America's inner sanctum. Legislation for which Blacks suffered and died included language that erased barriers for every other “minority” group. These groups then used the civil rights laws to secure their own place in the corporate world, for which they also acted as gatekeepers, refusing entry to Blacks.

Corporate Welfare

The phrase “corporate welfare” describes government tax breaks and subsidies awarded by the federal government to American businesses for which the public receives no goods or services. Moderate estimates say that these giveaway programs bestowed overwhelmingly on wealthy White businesses cost all Americans from $100 to $150 billion a year. Whites obscure this hand-out by pointing to social welfare programs like AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children), which amounts to a comparatively trivial $20 billion a year, with Blacks representing just 4 in 10 of the recipients—and 100 percent of that money is ultimately routed to the White businesses that provide the goods and services. Corporations with their mouths full of “gimme” and their hands full of “much obliged” include Boeing, Xerox, IBM, Motorola, Dow Chemical, and General Electric. Also considered welfare are the recent bank bailouts and the zero-interest loans from the Federal Reserve to financial institutions such as JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Unaccounted for in this giveaway of American tax money is the massive expense for unnecessary weapons programs for the unjustifiable military campaigns America has waged around the world. This is yet another major form of welfare and make-work job creation for White people for which Blacks receive a perpetual bill every April.

Policing of Blacks

The policing of Black America is a function that has direct roots in plantation slavery. The task of hunting down and instilling fear into innocent enslaved Black people fell to the newest European immigrants, primarily the Irish, who took on the role with a special fervor. Even today, the ceremonies and funerals of both the military and police forces across America include an Irish bagpipe band, testifying to a role that was once exclusively theirs.

Blacks are tolerated in an urban setting because they are the blue-collar labor force that turns on the city early every morning, flips the burgers, bags the groceries, carts the people and products in and out, delivers the mail, turns the hotel bed sheets, mammies the little White babies, and then mops up in the evening. But they must, absolutely must, return to their designated geographic confines in the city shadows at the end of every business day.

Thus, the role of police is that of containment of the Black population and protection of the White—firmly and violently keeping Blacks within their prescribed boundaries, and protecting the merchants as they move in and around the inner cities. This is why a police SWAT team will unhesitatingly hunt a Black petty thief to the far corners of the slums, but has no jurisdiction, no power, no authority to gaze in the direction of the billion-dollar gangsters on America's Wall Streets.

War on Drugs

Under the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, the mostly White powder-cocaine users would have to be caught in possession of 100 times the amount of “crack” cocaine, used by mostly inner-city Blacks, to suffer the same legal penalties.

This legislation (with the ignorant support of several negro legislators) engineered the wholesale population shift of Black men into the increasingly privatized prison camps of White America. By 1990, the proportion of Blacks admitted to state and federal prisons rose from 39 to 53 percent. Blacks accounted for 88.3 percent of crack distribution convictions even though the majority of crack users, by this time, were White. Felony convictions and plea bargains eliminated voting rights for thousands and limited all future job opportunities. In 2011, there are more Black men in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850. This created and now sustains a highly profitable private prison industry and a captive Black workforce that serves White corporate America for pennies an hour—slaves yet again. Whites use more drugs, and more varied drugs, in higher amounts, and are a much higher percentage of the population, yet Blacks are far more likely to be stopped, searched, arrested, prosecuted, convicted and incarcerated for drug law violations than are Whites.

Citizenship & Immigration

In Message to the Blackman, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote: “An American according to the dictionary ‘is a citizen of the United States or of the earlier British Colonies; one not belonging to one of the aboriginal races.' We belong to the aboriginal nation of the earth; the White or European race is not aboriginal.” Citizenship includes the right to vote and own land, but citizenship was not open to all races until 1952—and even then it was severely limited by immigration quotas. All Whites were allowed citizenship by the late 1770s, but Blacks, Indians, and Latinos have always been considered “second-class citizens.”


These are just a few of the entrenched benefits that comprise what The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan calls the “Architecture of American White Supremacy.” This dizzying array of programs, policies, and institutional behaviors constitutes the nuts and bolts of White privilege and accounts for the incredible wealth advantage Whites have over Blacks, an advantage that has now reached 20-1. No, the claimed “hard work” or “nose-to-the-grindstone” method is pure Euro-mythology and yet another psychic trick to suggest that Black poverty is merely a sign of Black laziness and inferiority. There is a reason why White people constructed thousands of ships and sailed thousands of miles across a treacherous ocean to attack and steal millions of people from Africa—and it is not because those people are lazy. Indeed, they are the most productive and industrious people who ever lived.

These behaviors are not random acts of renegade Caucasians, but the highly efficient tactical operation of a sociopathic people acting on the perfected Yakubian principle of racial domination. Whites feign ignorance of these extraordinary injustices when they make their ludicrous claims about their “HARD WORK” and when they prescribe “solutions” for the children of their former slaves.

This is their playbook (their real bible)—the sum and substance of the one book of mathematics Allah permitted them to have—and they have no other. From the infamous Compromise of 1877 onward, all programs and policies were duty-bound to conform to the sacred objective of White supremacy. And since this is the behavior of American Caucasians toward their own citizens, their foreign policy can only be a species of this devious master plan. The Messenger was clear and probably accurate:“They have no respect for people who want to be at peace with them. They have no respect for the laws of justice. They have made trouble all over the world with people who were at peace among themselves until the white shadows of the troublemakers spread out over them. We have history that they, themselves, have written of self, bearing witness to what I am teaching today. What must be done since we cannot get along with them in peace?”

As our great Brother Minister Louis Farrakhan has established beyond the shadow of a doubt, Whites have absolutely no intention of ever returning their ill-gotten gains to their victims, or even admitting they have committed any evil at all. Indeed, these are intrinsic, unalterable, programmed behaviors that have brought them near total success. Appealing to their sense of “fair play” is a pitifully useless enterprise—it can never bear (and has borne no) fruit at all. The only appeal we now can make is to Allah, and to Him alone. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad pointed to a clear, concise program of righteous Separation from the most evil regime ever devised. He said: “We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own—either on this continent or elsewhere.” And as his greatest Apostle has plainly stated, “Pharaoh has let us go.”

The Messenger prescribes “hard work in a collective manner”—unity—for our people, action that we MUST take, but we are not alone. Minister Farrakhan has made so many REAL friends for us around the world, with whom we can unite and form true and mutually beneficial alliances. Let us resist any further investment in a failed society and pool our resources to establish our own Nation based on freedom, justice, and equality. It will indeed be “hard work” to separate from a people whose perception of justice is exactly opposite that of Almighty God, Allah. But in reality, we have no other choice.

(The Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam was established by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to support and bear witness to the Teachings of the Messiah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.)