*Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 1
*Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 2
*Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 3The world that we live in desires first of all to hide the truth to keep the Black man who is made blind, deaf and dumb by the scientific tricknology of the white race, so that the white race can continue to carry on the same deceiving and wickedness that they have been practicing. —The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Fall of America
Within this four-part Final Call series, we see every sector of American society implementing profoundly racist policies and programs that are respected and enforced by every other sector. The executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government, private industry, the media, the labor movement, religious institutions, and the corporate world—ALL have agreed on one thing: White Supremacy must prevail. Here are the “nuts and bolts” of this wicked and racist system.
Government Sabotage: FBI's COINTELPRO
The FBI took hundreds of known actions against Black advancement organizations during the “civil rights era,” including the use of agent provocateurs, saboteurs, wiretapping, the planting of false rumors and disinformation, and the murders of key leaders and activists. The FBI's own files reveal that the most surveilled, infiltrated, and investigated group of Americans are Black Americans; and of those, the Nation of Islam has garnered more “security index files” than any other organization, including the Communist Party and the Ku Klux Klan. This nefarious activity has only increased with the passage of the 2001 “Patriot Act” after the American/Israeli false flag operation of 9/11. The uncountable agencies formed under the auspices of the Nazi-esque “Homeland Security” have simply moved Blacks into the category of “terrorism” and carried out the malevolent mandate of the legendary racist and cross-dressing FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. They have also farmed out many of their former governmental functions to private firms like Blackwater, Southern Poverty Law Center, or the Anti-Defamation League.
Affirmative Action
The presidential executive orders of the 1960s known as “affirmative action” were only intended to address government employment discrimination or discrimination by private businesses that received government contracts. Other private businesses were not covered and most simply refused to hire Blacks. In 1970, the majority of Black college graduates were government employees—the only entity forced by law to take them. Unions were not covered, and at one point a major national union had but 50 Black apprentices—just one for every state!
The civil rights movement held great “affirmative action” benefits for Jews, women, and gays, however. All stood in the background whilst Blacks took the beatings, water hoses, lynchings, and insults to pry open the doors to America's inner sanctum. Legislation for which Blacks suffered and died included language that erased barriers for every other “minority” group. These groups then used the civil rights laws to secure their own place in the corporate world, for which they also acted as gatekeepers, refusing entry to Blacks.
Corporate Welfare
The phrase “corporate welfare” describes government tax breaks and subsidies awarded by the federal government to American businesses for which the public receives no goods or services. Moderate estimates say that these giveaway programs bestowed overwhelmingly on wealthy White businesses cost all Americans from $100 to $150 billion a year. Whites obscure this hand-out by pointing to social welfare programs like AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children), which amounts to a comparatively trivial $20 billion a year, with Blacks representing just 4 in 10 of the recipients—and 100 percent of that money is ultimately routed to the White businesses that provide the goods and services. Corporations with their mouths full of “gimme” and their hands full of “much obliged” include Boeing, Xerox, IBM, Motorola, Dow Chemical, and General Electric. Also considered welfare are the recent bank bailouts and the zero-interest loans from the Federal Reserve to financial institutions such as JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Unaccounted for in this giveaway of American tax money is the massive expense for unnecessary weapons programs for the unjustifiable military campaigns America has waged around the world. This is yet another major form of welfare and make-work job creation for White people for which Blacks receive a perpetual bill every April.
Policing of Blacks
The policing of Black America is a function that has direct roots in plantation slavery. The task of hunting down and instilling fear into innocent enslaved Black people fell to the newest European immigrants, primarily the Irish, who took on the role with a special fervor. Even today, the ceremonies and funerals of both the military and police forces across America include an Irish bagpipe band, testifying to a role that was once exclusively theirs.
Blacks are tolerated in an urban setting because they are the blue-collar labor force that turns on the city early every morning, flips the burgers, bags the groceries, carts the people and products in and out, delivers the mail, turns the hotel bed sheets, mammies the little White babies, and then mops up in the evening. But they must, absolutely must, return to their designated geographic confines in the city shadows at the end of every business day.
Thus, the role of police is that of containment of the Black population and protection of the White—firmly and violently keeping Blacks within their prescribed boundaries, and protecting the merchants as they move in and around the inner cities. This is why a police SWAT team will unhesitatingly hunt a Black petty thief to the far corners of the slums, but has no jurisdiction, no power, no authority to gaze in the direction of the billion-dollar gangsters on America's Wall Streets.
War on Drugs
Under the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, the mostly White powder-cocaine users would have to be caught in possession of 100 times the amount of “crack” cocaine, used by mostly inner-city Blacks, to suffer the same legal penalties.
This legislation (with the ignorant support of several negro legislators) engineered the wholesale population shift of Black men into the increasingly privatized prison camps of White America. By 1990, the proportion of Blacks admitted to state and federal prisons rose from 39 to 53 percent. Blacks accounted for 88.3 percent of crack distribution convictions even though the majority of crack users, by this time, were White. Felony convictions and plea bargains eliminated voting rights for thousands and limited all future job opportunities. In 2011, there are more Black men in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850. This created and now sustains a highly profitable private prison industry and a captive Black workforce that serves White corporate America for pennies an hour—slaves yet again. Whites use more drugs, and more varied drugs, in higher amounts, and are a much higher percentage of the population, yet Blacks are far more likely to be stopped, searched, arrested, prosecuted, convicted and incarcerated for drug law violations than are Whites.
Citizenship & Immigration
In Message to the Blackman, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote: “An American according to the dictionary ‘is a citizen of the United States or of the earlier British Colonies; one not belonging to one of the aboriginal races.' We belong to the aboriginal nation of the earth; the White or European race is not aboriginal.” Citizenship includes the right to vote and own land, but citizenship was not open to all races until 1952—and even then it was severely limited by immigration quotas. All Whites were allowed citizenship by the late 1770s, but Blacks, Indians, and Latinos have always been considered “second-class citizens.”
These are just a few of the entrenched benefits that comprise what The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan calls the “Architecture of American White Supremacy.” This dizzying array of programs, policies, and institutional behaviors constitutes the nuts and bolts of White privilege and accounts for the incredible wealth advantage Whites have over Blacks, an advantage that has now reached 20-1. No, the claimed “hard work” or “nose-to-the-grindstone” method is pure Euro-mythology and yet another psychic trick to suggest that Black poverty is merely a sign of Black laziness and inferiority. There is a reason why White people constructed thousands of ships and sailed thousands of miles across a treacherous ocean to attack and steal millions of people from Africa—and it is not because those people are lazy. Indeed, they are the most productive and industrious people who ever lived.
These behaviors are not random acts of renegade Caucasians, but the highly efficient tactical operation of a sociopathic people acting on the perfected Yakubian principle of racial domination. Whites feign ignorance of these extraordinary injustices when they make their ludicrous claims about their “HARD WORK” and when they prescribe “solutions” for the children of their former slaves.
This is their playbook (their real bible)—the sum and substance of the one book of mathematics Allah permitted them to have—and they have no other. From the infamous Compromise of 1877 onward, all programs and policies were duty-bound to conform to the sacred objective of White supremacy. And since this is the behavior of American Caucasians toward their own citizens, their foreign policy can only be a species of this devious master plan. The Messenger was clear and probably accurate:“They have no respect for people who want to be at peace with them. They have no respect for the laws of justice. They have made trouble all over the world with people who were at peace among themselves until the white shadows of the troublemakers spread out over them. We have history that they, themselves, have written of self, bearing witness to what I am teaching today. What must be done since we cannot get along with them in peace?”
As our great Brother Minister Louis Farrakhan has established beyond the shadow of a doubt, Whites have absolutely no intention of ever returning their ill-gotten gains to their victims, or even admitting they have committed any evil at all. Indeed, these are intrinsic, unalterable, programmed behaviors that have brought them near total success. Appealing to their sense of “fair play” is a pitifully useless enterprise—it can never bear (and has borne no) fruit at all. The only appeal we now can make is to Allah, and to Him alone. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad pointed to a clear, concise program of righteous Separation from the most evil regime ever devised. He said: “We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own—either on this continent or elsewhere.” And as his greatest Apostle has plainly stated, “Pharaoh has let us go.”
The Messenger prescribes “hard work in a collective manner”—unity—for our people, action that we MUST take, but we are not alone. Minister Farrakhan has made so many REAL friends for us around the world, with whom we can unite and form true and mutually beneficial alliances. Let us resist any further investment in a failed society and pool our resources to establish our own Nation based on freedom, justice, and equality. It will indeed be “hard work” to separate from a people whose perception of justice is exactly opposite that of Almighty God, Allah. But in reality, we have no other choice.
(The Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam was established by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to support and bear witness to the Teachings of the Messiah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.)
The Nation of Islam produces the best men and women in the Low Country!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 4
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Hard work or Hardly Working? How White Peole Got So Rich Part 3
* Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 1
* Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 2“The enemies of God today are the same as they were thousands of years ago, thinking that they will be the winner against Him. America, for her evil done to me and my people, shall be isolated and deceived by her friends. The heavens shall withhold their blessing until America is brought to a disgraceful ruin.”
—The Messenger of Allah, The Most Honorable Elijah MuhammadFOUR-PART FINALCALL.COM SERIES
There is nothing mystical or mysterious about how White people established their superior position in America and the world—and it had absolutely nothing to do with either merit or “hard work.” The list of benefits that Whites granted to themselves—mostly by gangster force and wily deception—is the untold reality behind the building of their vast portfolios of plunder. Within this four-part Final Call series, we see every sector of American society implementing profoundly racist policies and programs that are respected and enforced by every other sector. The executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government, private industry, the media, the labor movement, religious institutions, and the corporate world—ALL have agreed on one thing: White supremacy must prevail.
Here is how they do it:
Building of American Cities
Hundreds of thousands of jobs were created by the massive public works projects launched throughout America, such as the building of New York City, the largest construction project since the building of the Great Wall of China (to protect the Chinese people from marauding Whites, by the way). Racist officials like New York city planner Robert Moses (a Jew) conspired with American labor unions to deny Blacks and Latinos these construction jobs. White ethnic immigrants got the lion's share of the jobs and learned the skills in these publicly funded projects that catapulted them into control of the construction trades today.
Public Housing
The U.S. government created massive racially segregated cities within cities that became known as “the projects.” Many of these developments were built as temporary housing for returning World War II veterans, until the G.I. Bill and other veteran benefit programs allowed Whites to move into single-family homes in racially exclusive suburbs. Black vets—with many fewer employment, education, and housing options than even the immigrants—were locked in these projects that became multi-generational Black slum sub-cultures.
The National Interstate and Defense Highways Act opened up the suburbs for White flight, while simultaneously providing millions of Whites-only construction jobs.
Sundown Towns
Hundreds of American towns (many of them in the North) passed ordinances prohibiting Blacks from living in them, or from being in the town after sundown (maids, gardeners, and sanitation workers were given time to leave at night). Some towns actually had bells or horns that would signal when Blacks were to leave. The largest builder of these segregated towns in the post–World War II era was William Levitt (a Jew), whose leases for his massive Levittown cities in the North forbade the very presence of “any person other than members of the Caucasian race.”
Social Security
Social Security was created in 1935 to send support payments to Americans in their senior years, yet its benefits were specifically denied to agricultural and domestic workers because the vast majority of those jobs were held by “non-Whites.” Racial legislation often targets its victims by occupation and not explicitly by race, though the effect is the same. Social Security benefits for the White elderly allow their working-age children to pay for college for their children, and to pass more money down through inheritance, down payments on cars and houses, et cetera. Meanwhile, Blacks who were prevented from receiving this government benefit had to use their already depressed wages to support their elderly parents and had far fewer resources to help their own children. White families and communities were strengthened and stabilized through this program.
Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment insurance, which gives workers an income bridge between jobs, originally did not apply to domestic workers or farm workers, the vast majority of whom were “non-White.”
National Recovery Act (NRA)
The NRA was enacted in 1933 and set American wages at $12 a week, but most jobs Blacks held were not covered by the law, so employers reduced Blacks' wages in order to raise the pay of White workers to meet the NRA wage requirement. Blacks covered by the higher wage laws were often fired and replaced with Whites. Some called the NRA the “Negro Removal Act.” According to Georgia peanut farmer and U.S. president Jimmy Carter: “By law, the average black family got only $8 [a week] because the presumption was that they could live more cheaply.”
Minimum Wage Law
The 1938 Minimum Wage law originally did not extend to workers in laundries, hotels, hairdressing shops, restaurants, domestic service, or farm work, where, again, Blacks were concentrated. At least half of all Black workers in the South were excluded. It outlawed child labor for White, but not Black, children. By 1943 the average Black family in the rural South made only a third of what POOR White families made. In the city Blacks made $635 a year, while Whites made $2,019. (The basic cost of subsistence was $1,200.)
Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC)
After the Great Depression of 1929, approximately one million loans were made to help homeowners retain their homes. Not a single penny intentionally went to a Black person, even though a greater proportion of Blacks lost their homes in the Depression.
Veterans Administration (VA) Mortgages
The VA mortgage program allowed five million White men to buy their first home. Between 1930 and 1960 only one percent of all these mortgages went to Blacks, and collateral was sometimes required for Blacks but not for Whites. In 1947, of 3,229 VA loans in Mississippi, only two went to Blacks.
The private market was just as atrocious with its unrestrained discrimination in the form of restrictive covenants and mortgage restrictions against “Negroes, Africans, and Ethiopians.” A publication of the National Association of Real Estate Boards advised realtors to be on guard against “a colored man of means who was giving his children a college education and thought they were entitled to live among Whites,” and it compared such a Black man to a bootlegger or pimp who wanted to hide his criminal activity by living in a better neighborhood.
The development of the suburbs was an almost entirely White phenomenon. One-fifth of the country went from renters to homeowners in the 15 years after World War II. Massive suburban home building projects like Levittown built homes at a rate of 30 a day, but Jewish developer William Levitt actually went to court to keep Blacks out. That WWII generation of homeowners is now willing their assets to their children in what is called the greatest transfer of wealth in history.
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
Private American banks teamed up with the government, sat in front of a map, and drew big red lines around Black communities and refused mortgages, home insurance, financing, and loans to everyone inside—a practice called “red-lining.” This kept Blacks from the wealth-building benefits of home ownership and made them vulnerable to loan sharks, who, in many cases, were the predatory agents of the redlining banks.
In 1962, Pres. John F. Kennedy banned racial discrimination in federally owned or funded housing but less than 1 percent of all housing was covered. The 1964 Civil Rights Act banned discrimination but less than 20 percent of new housing was covered. It specifically exempted federal mortgage insurance programs from anti-discrimination laws. The Housing Act of 1968 (passed less than a week after Whites murdered Martin Luther King) covered over 80 percent of housing but provided little enforcement power and offered virtually no protection against the privatediscriminatory practices of realtors, banks, and zoning boards.
U.S. Housing Act (Urban Renewal)
Also known as “Negro Removal,” this series of federal laws destroyed 400,000 homes by 1960, but only 11,000 lower-rent replacement units were built. The Act allowed segregation and discrimination to intensify in outlying areas, forcing Blacks and Latinos into geographically concentrated areas in the “inner cities.” It also destroyed many Black businesses by the displacement of customers and the rerouting of traffic.
Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC)
Originally designed for White women, AFDC became stigmatized as a program for unmarried, lazy, “loose” Black mothers. It was the only program with a “morals test” for recipients, terminating women with husbands (“men living in their homes”), effectively destroying Black families. In Georgia, one study found that 14 percent of eligible White families received benefits, but only 1.5 percent of eligible Black families did.
G.I. (Veterans) Bill— Job Placement
$95 billion was spent on the G.I. Bill from 1944 to 1971. But various methods were used to discriminate against Blacks. Those Blacks who could qualify were steered into menial jobs. In 1946, 86 percent of White vets were referred to professional jobs and 92 percent of Black vets were referred to unskilled service jobs. Refusing these jobs was grounds for denial of other benefits like unemployment insurance. [Note: To avoid using the language of racism, the federal government put the operation of these programs in the hands of local governments, which meant that racist White Southern officials determined who received the benefits—just as they determined who could and could not vote.]
G.I. Bill—Education
Two million WWII veterans attended college under the G.I. Bill, but eligible Blacks were excluded from White universities and the few small underfunded Black schools were swamped with tens of thousands more applicants than they were able to admit—55 percent were turned away. Whites obtained education and moved rapidly into the upper middle classes. Blacks who believed their military service would give them better opportunities were frustrated yet again.
Next: Continuing the list of White affirmative action programs and policies that deceptively “earned” the White man his “superiority.”
(The Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam was established by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to support and bear witness to the teachings of the Messiah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.)
Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 2
* Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 1And remember We rescued you from Pharaoh's people, who afflicted you with the worst of penalties, who slew your male children and saved alive your females: in that was a momentous trial from your Lord. —Holy Qur'an, Surah (Chapter) 7, Verse 141
There is nothing mystical or mysterious about how White people established their superior position in America—and it had absolutely nothing to do with either merit or “hard work.” The list of benefits that Whites granted to themselves—mostly by gangster force and wily deception—is the untold reality behind the building of their vast portfolios of plunder. Within this four-partFinalCall.com News series, we see every sector of American society implementing profoundly racist policies and programs that are respected and enforced by every other sector. The executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government, private industry, the media, the labor movement, religious institutions, and the corporate world—ALL have agreed on one thing: White Supremacy must prevail. Here is how they do it:
Homestead Act
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said that “Land is the basis of economic development, economic freedom, and business.” If this is true—and it is—the Homestead Act is probably the most rewarding affirmative action program American Whites have ever given themselves. Beginning in 1865, 250 million acres of land were given away to White families—many of whom had actually participated in the Southern Confederate rebellion against America—as much as 640 free acres for each White family (each acre being about the size of a football field). European immigrants were great beneficiaries of this “legal” land snatch, while the Black ex-slaves who had actually worked that land for generations—and the Indians who owned it—were kept far away from this unprecedented giveaway. Today, more than three-fourths of White families own a home. This important asset allows Whites to invest in their children's education, cars, marriages, businesses, and first-home down payments.
Labor Union MovementThe union movement of the late 1800s has probably done more to destroy Black progress than any other White affirmative action initiative, yet it is almost totally invisible in the written histories of Blacks in America. “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2,” proves that the union
movement was specifically designed to remove Blacks from the skilled trades they dominated and install the European immigrants who were flooding in by the millions. Scholars attribute the rapid success of immigrant groups directly to the advantages they received through their union membership.
Even before the Civil War, enslaved Blacks held a virtual monopoly of almost all labor, including the skilled crafts and trades. They were so dominant in the workforce that some of the most racist Whites, unable to compete, became abolitionists just to break up the Black labor monopoly. Moreover, many of these Blacks were the major breadwinners for the families that enslaved them. Some states, seeking to give the White man an advantage, passed laws prohibiting the hiring of Blacks—slave or free—when a White man could be found to do the work. These were the first recorded affirmative action laws in American history, entirely for the benefit of the under-qualified, lower-skilled White man.
The most powerful union leader in America was Samuel Gompers (a Jew), who led the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in its earliest stages. Under Gompers, AFL unions systematically and violently forced Black workers out of the occupations they once dominated. He wrote: “Caucasian civilization will serve notice [to Blacks] that its uplifting process is not to be interfered with in any way.” A common union expression was “Never let a nigger pick up a tool.”
By the turn of the century, the Black man—once the predominant worker in America—was locked in the lowest wage labor or was totally jobless, forcing Black women into the job market as farm workers and domestics in White homes. The higher wages of the unionized White male relieved White women of hard labor, and provided them with the leisure time and financing for the development of art, literature, education, and culture.
Asian Exclusion Acts
In 1890, the U.S. government, pushed by the unions, passed a law excluding all Asians from coming to America! San Francisco congressman Julius Kahn (a Jew) authored the racist legislation, a.k.a. the Kahn Exclusion Act, telling Congress that “the duplicity and the trickery of the Chinese themselves made it necessary.” At the same time, Congress made European immigration much easier. By doing so Whites protected their commerce from superior competition and protected White workers from the more efficient and industrious Asians. White Europeans flooded into the American west coast to violently attack the Asians and to seize their place in the job market. Those Asians that remained were subject to a Jim Crow law and viciously racist propaganda tailored just for them.
Plessy v. Ferguson
A landmark Supreme Court decision of 1896 reinforced the legitimacy of Jim Crow law, which remained the standard in U.S. law for the next century. Whites maintained full and complete superiority in all legal, political, economic, and social affairs. Understand the significance of this: Black business had no way of enforcing contracts and all criminal acts against them were legally invisible. Wealth could simply be stolen from Blacks at any time and for any reason and by anybody, with absolutely no recourse. One example of many is the Jewish-owned Moses Brothers Bank of Montgomery, Alabama, which had hundreds of Black customers with deposits amounting to as much as half a million dollars. When it abruptly closed, that money was never returned.
So, by design, there was no incentive for Blacks to keep, save, or invest money. Under such conditions Blacks prudently develop a spend-it-as-you-get-it culture that saves little and invests in nothing. Blacks work for low wages, and then on Friday they return it all to White retailers, because the system severely punishes any other Black fiscal behavior. In America, ruthless financial exploitation of the struggling ex-slave was actually the law of the land. And this made Blacks veritable sitting ducks for the immigrant retailers (many of them Jewish) who came to America not penniless—but with centuries of entrepreneurial experience and with the support of entrenched family business networks. This is what White immigrants mean when they say that in America, “the streets are paved with gold.” The economic targeting of Blacks became the most well-travelled route to White wealth—a method that is still very much in force today.
The Plessy v. Ferguson ruling also turbo-charged the so-called “White Supremacy” political movement that swept America which targeted “Negro domination” and approved every means necessary to keep Blacks from voting and from holding political office. In 1923, Sen. William C. Lankford of Georgia made the following remarks from the floor of Congress to great applause from his colleagues: “I truly believe in the supremacy of the White race. I believe the White race gave us the greatest possible form of government. No other race could have added to it. This government of the White man was not helped when the Negro began voting. He will not make it better in the future….I believe that when this planet was created the Almighty personally turned it over to the Whites.” This rhetoric, unashamedly spewed within the most hallowed halls of the U.S. government, confirmed that the philosophy of America's power structure was indistinguishable from the beliefs and mission of the Ku Klux Klan. Today in 2011 the U.S. senate is a veritable sea of Caucasians.
Pres. Woodrow Wilson
During his White House tenure from 1913 to 1921, Pres. Woodrow Wilson made racial segregation United States policy. This included the wholesale firing of Blacks in government positions throughout America and replacing them with Whites. One day in 1913, for instance, the Atlanta postmaster simply fired 50 Black messengers and gave their jobs to Whites. When questioned he said that the Whites had families to support, though he actually needed no reason at all. Between the unions and private sector discrimination, Wilson's ethnic cleansing of the government workforce further relegated Blacks to agricultural and domestic labor.
Public Education Policy
Having been president of Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson was the most intelligent of the U.S. presidents, but his public education policy was categorically wicked. He declared: “We want a class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forego the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.” That “very much larger” class consisted of Blacks, whose public schooling over the last century ensured that Black students fulfilled this designated inferior role. The curriculum for Whites in the Birmingham, Alabama, public school system (beyond the three Rs) included Latin, history, geology, astronomy, rhetoric, physiology, and algebra, while education for Blacks focused solely on “manual training.” The city's “colored” school system, incidentally, was created and controlled by the city's rabbi, who was also a B'nai B'rith official.
Farmers Home Administration (FHA)
Even though Blacks were concentrated in agriculture, the FHA gave almost all of its farm subsidies to White farmers to make up for low cotton prices. Black-owned farms fell dramatically from about 900,000 in 1930 when the program was established, to 682,000 in 1939. Many of the Whites used the money to modernize by buying tractors and evicting Black sharecroppers. Congress amended the law to say that half the money should go to these tenant farmers, but the White farm owners simply stole their checks.
The federal government has only recently agreed to pay $1.2 billion to 70,000 Black farmers who were denied FHA loans that White farmers routinely received. The evidence of systematic racism was so overwhelming that the government did not even dispute it. Blacks suffered the massive loss of their agricultural sector, while giant White agribusinesses gobbled up the spoils. Thousands of Blacks lost land and were forced out of farming.
White Liberals' Mis-Guidance & Treachery
Even though Blacks had been socially engineered out of economic development, a White Jew named Joel Spingarn—the first chairman of the NAACP—created a philosophy specifically for Blacks that he called “non-economic liberalism,” which ultimately became known as the “civil rights movement.” Jews had built their entire community infrastructure through an economic strategy, yet their promotion of this anti-economic method for Blacks showed that the “help” that Jews offered was really just a “hypocritical trick” designed to keep Blacks forever on the consumer side of the American cash register. Jews became the richest single ethnic group in the history of America by targeting the Black dollar, whilst Blacks, following this Jewish liberal “friendship,” have become a “permanent underclass.”
According to declassified documents, it turns out that Spingarn—the leader of the NAACP—was also a paid undercover agent for the United States Army. Spingarn and “a small unit of undercover agents” were seeking “proof of subversion” and opened 100,000 pieces of mail a week and monitored the messages being promoted in Black publications. It is no mystery why the NAACP under Spingarn was at the forefront of the government attack on the Honorable Marcus M. Garvey, the great advocate of building a strong Black economy. They actually ran and promoted a vicious campaign they called “Garvey Must Go!”
Hollywood and Racial Propaganda
The Negroes are shown as horrible brutes, given over to beastly excesses, defiant and criminal in their attitude towards the Whites, and lusting for White women. Some of the scenes are plainly morbid and repulsive. —a review of Birth of a Nation, in Moving Picture World, 1915
Hollywood produced a plethora of popular films that promoted White supremacy as the national creed and clearly articulated for European immigrants a common enemy—Blacks. The very first blockbuster movie, Birth of a Nation (1915), actually paid homage to the Ku Klux Klan. Financed and produced by Boston-based Jewish investors, it revived the terrorist organization, which grew to its largest size ever.
Arguably, much of the White resistance to Black rights is a reaction to the consistently negative and despicable Black images portrayed in film. The anti-Jewish propaganda films of Adolph Hitler are often cited as the method by which he won the support of the German people for the Jewish Holocaust. In America, the resurgent KKK used Birth of a Nation to recruit new members, and Louis B. Mayer (a Jew) started MGM with the profits he made from the film's distribution. He and others continued to produce a chain of demeaning anti-Black, anti-Indian, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Latino films.
Next: Continuing the list of White affirmative action programs and policies that deceptively “earned” the White man his “superiority.”
(The Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam was established by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to support and bear witness to the teachings of the Messiah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.)
Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part I
* Hard Work or Hardly Working? How White People Got So Rich Part 2
(FinalCall.com) - The foundation of American White supremacy sits tenuously on a rickety base of lies and deceptions about how Whites gained their wealth and status. A century and a half after slavery the median wealth of White families is $100,000; for Black families, it's $5,000. The belief that Whites achieved this 20-1 wealth advantage by HARD WORK is an absurd and a historical fantasy. Nonetheless, the airwaves are filled with the self-righteous pronouncements of Caucasian commentators anxious to “advise” Blacks to “work hard” and to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” if they want to succeed in America. Not only do they seek to invent a fraudulent fairy tale that whitewashes a very bloody legacy, but they also aim to reaffirm the notion that “non-Whites” are naturally inferior and lazy and are thus responsible for having comparatively nothing. The truth is a whole lot nastier than that.The group that has always posed as the “best friends of Black people” is most fond of making this argument, yet the Jews are guilty of the worst abuses of the slavery and Jim Crow systems of White empowerment. Any reader of
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2, will discover that Jewish wealth in America was so completely dependent on Black slavery that their incessant Jewish mantra of “hard work” will be forever consigned to mythology. The mechanisms of government and private industry that were constructed to specifically hamstring Black prospects for success after slavery are extraordinary. In harmony, government and private industry, and all sectors of American society, instituted a series of White Affirmative Action programs for the benefit of WHITE EURO-AMERICANS ONLY, programs which gave them material advantages that had nothing whatever to do with either merit or “hard work.”
The Messenger of Allah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad—The Messiah—said: “Observe the operations of the white man. He is successful. He makes no excuses for his failures. He works hard in a collective manner. You do the same.”
This is the first of a four-part observation of the operations of the White man. It will take us on a journey through the reactive mind of the racial sociopaths who have worked hard in a collective manner to construct our Black American reality. And through this process we will examine just some of the acts and policies that are the nuts and bolts of the White man's dubious “superiority.”
Indian Land Grab
Right from the very start the European settlers were begging their British king to destroy the “savages” faster than he already was. It was one of the reasons they listed in their Declaration of Independence that caused them to want to SEPARATE from England. Merchants, many of them Jewish, supplied the British, French, and American armies to ethnically cleanse the indigenous Native Americans from their ancient lands. Once the bloody deed was done and the murderous armies retreated, it was those merchants who surveyed and divided the land into lots and began selling them to White settlers. This land “value” was created out of thin air and these property rights were then protected by the U.S. government. Legendary American “frontiersmen” like Daniel Boone were actually surveyors in the employ of these merchants, and some of Boone's receipts are actually in Yiddish.
Later, President Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Act of 1830 initiated a series of massacres and wars against the Indian Nations, killing most and evicting the rest from their own land. This policy imprisoned the survivors on approximately 310 “reservations,” where they can be found today. The Messenger wrote that “The white man has left a remnant of that people for the sake of mockery and for his children to see the people their fathers conquered in taking this land of the Indians for their own land (as they call it today). God never intended that the people of the earth go about killing each other to rob each other of their homes. It was never done by anyone but the white race.” Ultimately, the Indian Holocaust netted for the White man 2.3 billion acres of free land.
Dawes Act
Massachusetts congressman Henry L. Dawes drafted federal legislation enacted in 1887 which ordered the “registering” of Indians so that they could receive an allotment of their own land! But to get on the “Dawes Rolls,” Native Americans had to anglicize their names. This allowed White officials to slip the names of their relatives and friends onto the Dawes Rolls and reap millions of acres of land. In one state alone, the 138 million acres of Indian-held land at the time of the Dawes Act in 1887 had been reduced to 47 million acres by 1934, when the Act was repealed.
Everything you see in the western world—its cities, institutions, and wealth—is built on Black slavery. Paris, Rome, London, New York—name the place, and its riches are built on the backs of the Black man and woman. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vols. 1 and 2, and the next ten thousand Final Call issues could only begin to elaborate on that statement but let us just take the most celebrated and iconic American—George Washington. At one point in his ignominious life, he held 216 Black Africans—92 of them children (this high ratio of children to adults indicates Washington was a slave-breeder). What could one do today with that many lifelong unpaid employees?
Jim Crow Laws
The so-called Jim Crow laws were simply reconstituted Slave Laws and they applied throughout America, in the South and North. Their aim was not to keep Blacks from “White” drinking fountains and toilets, or even to stop them from breaking the law—but to keep Blacks from accumulating property, starting businesses, engaging in trade and commerce, and establishing an independent economic base and to force them back to the cotton plantations. Whites, having “legally” eliminated all competition from the most productive people on earth, benefitted immensely from these repressive American racial restrictions.
Religious Policy: The Hamitic MythThe foundation for nearly all of America's most destructive acts and policies has been a religious one—from the “just wars” and “manifest destiny” used to justify the Holocaust against the Indians, to the cross-burning violence of the Christian Ku Klux Klan. Originally, in ancient times, slavery victimized all races and peoples, but Medieval Jewish rabbis, who sought to justify the targeting of African human beings, invented a racist embellishment of the Noah story which asserted that God cursed ALL BLACK PEOPLE with black skin, thereby marking them forevermore as permanent slaves to White people. All major religions adopted this racist motif and liberally used it to justify the most profitable Caucasian enterprise in the history of the planet—the African slave trade.
White Terrorism
The Ku Klux Klan was the generic name for literally hundreds of White terrorist groups set up to force the ex-slave back in “his place” on the plantation picking the commodity at the very center of the world economy—cotton. These Ku Kluxers were not errant outlaws—they comprised White government officials, businesses, and religious leaders. The Klan openly recruited in churches and synagogues and Masonic halls, and many communities held Ku Klux Klan country fairs. Armed, robed, and hooded, often by Jewish merchants, they burnt Black businesses, farms, schools, property, and human beings—with government sanction and participation.
Such government-sanctioned terrorism ensured that Blacks would be unable to accumulate wealth and pass it on to later generations. This is important to future White prosperity, because it has been estimated that up to 80 percent of lifetime wealth accumulation is attributable to gifts from ancestors. The KKK only waned in its influence when the U.S. government, through executions and mass incarcerations carried out by its “justice system,” took over most of the KKK's main terrorist functions.
Sharecropping is the Talmud-based economic system that was set up throughout the South to continue the benefits of Black slavery long after its legal end. The cotton profits generated by the extraordinary Black farmers called sharecroppers financed America's railroads, factories, mills, the building of the major cities, and the entire U.S. infrastructure. It is truthfully asserted that the major cities of America and the Western world were “built with bricks of cotton.” Noted scholar W.E.B. Du Bois concluded that in the 35 years after the end of slavery fully three-quarters of the wages due Black farmers had been simply stolen from them.
Compromise of 1877
The Compromise of 1877 is arguably the most devastating single event in the history of Blacks in America. That is when a group of politicians convened at the Wormley Hotel in Washington, D.C., to attempt to resolve the deadlocked presidential election of 1876 between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden. They agreed that if Hayes were awarded the presidency, he would remove the federal troops protecting the ex-slaves in the South, and the former Southern slaveholding class would be free to return to power and establish new forms of slavery without federal oversight or control. This is the exact point in American history when Whites determined that the Black man and woman would forever be a second-class citizen in all aspects of American society.
After twelve years of “emancipation” Blacks were returned to virtual slavery, and assigned to permanent political, social, and economic inferiority. A Jewish congressman from Louisiana, William M. Levy, gave the speech that convinced the lawmakers that this wicked act that scholars call “the Great Betrayal of the Negro people” was the best policy for America.
Blacks had made great strides in developing private businesses, but the Ku Klux Klan targeted these businesses for destruction as in Rosewood, Fla. and Tulsa (Black Wall Street), Okla. and many, many other lesser-known places. Blacks lost billions in investment dollars to Whites through these acts of terror. Black businesses were often uninsured because of the racist policies of American insurance companies, so the destruction of a Black business was totally unrecoverable. Whites had no such disabilities in growing their businesses.
The most profound part of this history, however, is that on THE SAME DAY that those White politicians decided to end Black progress forever, Allah decided that The Saviour to the Black man and woman would be born. Both events—the two MOST SIGNIFICANT IN THE HISTORY OF BLACK AMERICA—happened on February 26, 1877!
Next: Continuing the list of White affirmative action programs and policies that deceptively “earned” the White man his “superiority.”
(The Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam was established by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to support and bear witness to the teachings of the Messiah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.)
Monday, June 20, 2011
The Meaning of Father
[Editor’s note: The following message is excerpted from a speech delivered by Minister Louis Farrakhan on June 17, 2001 at Mosque Maryam in Chicago, IL.]In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
There is a scripture in the Bible that reads, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, and of the increase of his government of peace there shall be no end.” This is a great scripture to start a Father's Day message, because Isaiah the Prophet saw one coming that would be born of a woman, meaning he is like you and me, but, though he was born of a woman, a human being, yet the work that he did and the wisdom that he shared would be so magnificent that he would be called Wonderful, a Counselor, a Mighty God. Not Almighty, just Mighty God, the Everlasting Father. This one who was born of a woman would become a father, but he would be a father of an everlasting nation, and, of the increase of his government—but it is a special government, a government of peace—there shall be no end. That is powerful.
I want to take it from here to look at Jesus as a son who became a father, because every son ultimately becomes a father, and the quality of your sonship will determine the quality of your fatherhood.
Jesus submitted totally to The Father. Let us look at the words of Jesus and the actions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Jesus said, “Whatsoever I hear, that shall I speak. Whatsoever the Father commandeth me, that shall I do.” Whatever Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) heard from Allah (God), that he spoke, and whatever Allah (God) commanded him to do, that he did. He related to Allah (God) as an obedient son would relate to a father, and that is what qualified him to be the Father of a Nation of Peace. If we follow the example of Jesus, the example of Muhammad (PBUH), we would be good sons. Then, we too, could become good fathers.
When the disciples said to Jesus, “Master, teach us how to pray,” Jesus replied, “Pray on this wise: Our Father.” If He is “our” Father, then what He did for Jesus, He is able to do for you and me. If you want Allah (God) to father you, then, as Jesus was obedient to Him, we have to be obedient to Him. Jesus set such a perfect example, that all you have to do is put your foot down where he put his foot down. His Father will make you into what He made Jesus.
It is the same with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was a soldier and a commander, but Muhammad obeyed Allah (God), and everyone that obeyed Muhammad was raised to eminence from a low state. Do you want to be raised? Then you have to practice being a soldier, being obedient to a son, who is obedient to a father, who is obedient to Allah (God).
“Our Father which art in heaven?” What does that say to men? If you are a father, you should exist in your house in an elevated state. Everybody should look up to father. “Hallowed be thy name.” That which is hallowed is that which is sacred. Some of us did not have a father like that. We never looked up to our fathers.
“Thy Kingdom Come.” How do you know that Farrakhan is a father? Because, when we started in 1977 to rebuild the Nation of Islam, there was nothing, but I had something in my head from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and, with faith, we said, “Thy Kingdom Come” and we brought it in.
“Thy will be done.” As a father, you have to have vision, something in your head. What do you see? What do you want? Whatever you see and whatever you want that is of good, by faith you can bring it into existence. With Allah (God), there is nothing that you cannot do.
“Give us this day our daily bread.” Fathers, you have got these hungry children out there and you may have given them some bread yesterday, you may have sent your little payment, maybe last year, and you figured that what you sent last year was sufficient, but the prayer says, “Give us this day our daily bread.” That means every day a father has to be producing for his children and for his family.
“And lead us not into temptation.” When there is hunger in the house, when you do not have anything, you are really leading your family to be tempted. Satan is always there to tempt you for something that you need or want, but, by an illicit way to get it. If you are a good father, you do not lead your son into temptation, but you deliver him from evil. A father delivers his family from evil.
“Forgive us our trespassers as we forgive those who trespass against us, for Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, forever.” Every father knows he has messed up somewhere along the line. All of us have done it. So, we ask The God to forgive us for our shortcomings, but we must have a heart to forgive those who have been short with us, but, for how long? Forever! Evidently. That prayer is associated with that One that was born who would be an Everlasting Father.
The Holy Qur'an comes at it a little differently, but it is the same result. The oft-repeated prayer of the Muslims is called “Al-Fatihah,” meaning “The Opening.” If you say this prayer and live this prayer, it opens up everything of good for the servant. “Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim,” meaning, “In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.” The Commander is Beneficent; the Commander is Merciful. I am a soldier. Should not I be beneficent? Should not I be merciful?
“Al-hamdu li-llahi Rabbi-l-‘alamin,” meaning, “All praise belongs to Allah (God), the Lord, Nourisher, Sustainer of all the worlds.” So do not do your good deeds, dad, seeking praise or seeking honor. Do good because it is right to do good. One of my children called me and said, “Happy Father's Day, Daddy. I have a gift for you.” I said, “You are the gift. You don't ever have to send me a card to enrich the already rich or buy me something that I don't really need. Just be a good son and a good daughter. That is the gift to me as a father.”
“Maliki yaumi-d-din,” meaning, “Master of the Day of Judgment” or the “Law of Requital.” He is not a judge, He is a Master. I cannot necessarily be that, but I can be a judge. When the father comes into the house and there is an argument, put it on the table without favoritism. I cannot favor my wife. I cannot favor my elder son. I cannot favor the baby. I have to come straight with justice, because I represent God in my house.
“Iyya-ka na‘budu wa iyya-ka nasta'in,” meaning, “Thee alone do we worship. Thine aid we seek.” There is a singularity of focus of the Believer in God, and what you, as a husband want from your wife is singularity of focus on you and on me, but we are so deficient that we create adultery. The woman is not adulterous by nature. She is adulterous by circumstance. She would be faithful to us if we could complete her desire for a man. We do not care whether she completes our desire as a woman. It seems like we are always looking someplace, but I am here to tell you that the Qur'an says, “One is better for you, if you but knew.”
“Ihdi-na-s-sirata-lmu-staqim. Sirata-lladhina an‘amta ‘alaihim,” meaning, “Guide us on the right path. The path of those upon whom thou hast bestowed favors.” Every father should be in a position to give favors to his children. When they obey and do good, favor them, and the ones that rebel, do not favor them. Then, the one that did not get the favor will say to the other one, “Daddy sure gave you a nice bike. I want one, too.” The favored one will say, “Yeah, but Daddy said you are always disobeying him. He has the money to get you a bike, but, you are acting a fool, boy. You need to get your act together.” The next thing you know, the one who wants to win favor brings his report card grades up and begins to do things that please the father. Then, dad can say, “Now I can favor you, because you favored me by being obedient. Thank you, son. Here is your bike. Thank you, daughter. Here is your bike.”
To me, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has been a Wonderful Counselor, a Wonderful Father. Once, he called me to Chicago and gave me guidance on a speech that he wanted me to make. In my stupidity, I thought I did not want to do it the way he wanted me to do it. He saw that in me, and, very gently, he said, “Brother, I sit right here at my dining room table and I order things for you all around the globe, like a god. I bought thousands of acres of land for you, but I never left my table. I asked them to describe the land, and when I got a description, I said, ‘That's a good piece. Buy that.'” He said, “I do not leave my dining room. Surely, I can show you how to make a speech in Atlanta and win.” I said, “Yes, sir,” and I took my notes. It was one of the best speeches I ever made at that time. He told me that with that speech, if I obeyed him, I would be in the history of 40 countries on this Earth. I made the speech exactly like he told me, and I have found friends all over the Earth. In all the countries that I have been to, I have friends that he made for me by his work.
When you look at your children, thank Allah (God) for the women or the woman that bore your sons or your daughters. Be kind to them and help them in rearing your children. Think about the son or the daughter that you brought into this world that you have not even communicated with in years. Write your children if they are away from you, and do not be too proud to say, “Son, I have been wrong.” There is nothing wrong with that. Do you know your children will love you more if you could muster the courage to say, “Daddy was wrong, but I intend to make it right and I hope you will forgive me for not being to you as I should.”
You have got to start making amends. You have got to start reconciling. You have got to start opening up to your children.
Thank you for reading these words.
Putting On The New Man
How do Black males break out of oppression, stereotypes and ignorance?(FinalCall.com) - It is not difficult to find an exposé on the challenges of being a Black man in America—just read any magazine, blog, or scientific study.
Whether it is dropping out of school, unemployment, mass incarceration, diseases or growing up fatherless--this population leads statistically in just about every social ill you can name.
These figures cannot be ignored but at what juncture will the Black community go beyond the rhetoric to fully embracing, highlighting and working to implement solutions displayed and offered by their own?
“Growing up in the projects I had the worst images of what I thought a man should be like. Deep down I knew this wasn't what a man was really like but I found myself becoming the very thing I hated,” said Stephen Muhammad, who grew up in the 5th Ward area of Houston.
Before joining the Nation of Islam, Stephen Muhammad nearly lost his family and battled with an alcohol addiction. “I had given up on religion but one day I fell to my knees and asked God to show me how to be a man,” he said.
His prayer was answered when he ran into some sharply dressed men in bowties on a street corner selling The Final Call newspaper. “I had a hangover but when I read that paper it was exactly what I was looking for. Then when I heard the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan speak, that man touched my soul and showed me that a real man is a servant of God.,” said the man who now serves as the Southwest Regional Student Captain of the Fruit of Islam in the Nation of Islam. He is married with six children.
It has been 45-years since the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad first published the book “Message To The Blackman.” Within these pages are divine solutions to the spiritual, economic, educational and political barriers encountered by Black males.
On page 39, he writes “First, my people must be taught the knowledge of self. Then and only then will they be able to understand others and that which surrounds them. Anyone who does not have a knowledge of self is considered a victim of either amnesia or unconsciousness and is not very competent. The lack of knowledge of self is a prevailing condition among my people here in America.”
“That book is even more relevant today than it was in 1965 because now there are more witnesses of its power. That one book has saved lives including mine,” Student Minister Jamil Muhammad told The Final Call.
Reginald 10X of Chicago said when he first read the book he couldn't keep the knowledge to himself. “That book rattled me so hard that I went back to the bookstore and bought five for my street friends. You can't be the same man after reading those words by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad,” he said.
During his 40-years of work among us, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad took Black men and put them on a course of study and training to become reflections of God. He taught men to embrace reading; to love one another; to rid themselves of fear and cowardice; to build and protect their families; to do for self in businesses; and the importance of helping their fellow Black brother.
Minister Louis Farrakhan, since 1977, has continued the pattern of his teacher by crisscrossing the globe to elevate the consciousness of Black men who have been psychologically assaulted by the media, oppression, and racism. The Minister always sees the potential for a new man to be made.
“God desires to produce a new people who are living manifestations of His will, wisdom and power. He wants to make a nation of gods that have the intelligence and the skill to say ‘Be!' Man and woman have unlimited potential and for those who are from God—since God is infinite—there is no limit to what can be accomplished,” Min. Farrakhan said during an address last August in Rosemont, Illinois.
“We just have to find a way in our own community to celebrate the positive role models and not celebrate ignorance. We spend too much time celebrating ignorance and frivolity. It's very important for African-American men to take responsibility. I applaud the Million Man March from years ago which brought some attention to this matter and in some ways made a difference,” Earl Graves, Jr. told The Final Call.
That historic Million Man March drew nearly two million men to the nation's capitol on Oct. 16, 1995. Leading up to that date, Minister Farrakhan hosted Men Only meetings in multiple cities to call for a day of atonement, reconciliation and responsibility and to counter the negative image of the Black man that was sent throughout the world via Hollywood movies.
“The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is the example of what a real man looks like. If you want to be a good husband look at how he treats his wife Mother Khadijah Farrakhan. They are still in love after 57 years of marriage. Look at his children and see how successful they are,” said Jamil Muhammad, who has seven children.
Successful fatherhood is possible
Mr. Graves is the CEO of Black Enterprise magazine, which was founded by his father in 1970. He knows that he is fortunate to have been raised in a two parent household that stressed education, morals and wealth building—but he encourages Black men to be responsible despite the challenges.
“I think one of the greatest social tragedies for the African-American community has been the destabilization of the family. There are statistics and proof that those young people—forget about Black or White—but those young people who come from a more stabilized background with both parents in their lives do dramatically better going forward,” said Mr. Graves.
“Now when I say have both parents in their life, I'm not going to sit here and preach to say that the two parents must be married in order for kids to have a chance. But they have to have both parents in their life,” said Mr. Graves.
Kevin Green of Midland, Texas has been raising his 17-year-old daughter, Aquincia, as a single father since divorcing her mother.
“I tip my hat to single mothers because it's not easy. In court my daughter chose to stay with me in the joint custody hearing and her mother was ordered by the judge to pay child support. But she hasn't paid one dime nor has she even sent her one birthday card. Last year my daughter told her mother that she never wanted to speak to her again but recently I've been trying to rebuild communication between them. It's a challenge,” Mr. Green, 37, told The Final Call.
Mr. Green has been working two jobs to take care of his daughter and to stay current on child support payments for two children he has from a previous relationship. He recently remarried in April. “I didn't bring a bunch of women in and out of my house because I wanted my daughter to have the right image of how a man should treat her. My friends would talk about me for being celibate for a few years,” said Mr. Green.
Deric Muhammad, of Houston, is also newly remarried and has two daughters from previous relationships—including one living five hours away in another city.
“We have to put our differences and egos to the side for what is in the best interest of the child. Just because the relationships fail that doesn't mean our children have to. Despite the circumstances, Allah is blessing my daughters to become little stars. I'm thankful for the working relationship I have with their mothers and my wife, whom both of my daughters love,” said Deric Muhammad.
Detroit resident Chris Thomas, 20, says he is embarrassed that he abandoned his three-year-old son. “I was young, running the streets and honestly scared about being a dad. I didn't mean to get her pregnant and I left her alone once she told me she was,” he told The Final Call.
Mr. Thomas, who is now a cashier at a department store, is trying to atone with the mother of his child. “What inspired me honestly was seeing Obama and his family plus getting some mentoring. I was like dang, “I want that feeling.” I started back trying to call my baby mama and at first she would just hang up on me. She let me see my son on Mother's Day and it brought a tear to my eyes that I have a new chance,” he said.
Each One, Reach One, Teach One
Brandon Frame, a middle school teacher in Boston, founded the organization Black Man Can to highlight successful Black males and provide mentoring.
“A lot of our boys want to be doctors, lawyers, engineers or even sportscasters but they don't see those examples in their neighborhoods. We have to show them success because what they see is what they will be,” said Mr. Frame, 22, a graduate of Morehouse College in Atlanta.
“Mentoring is the most immediate and practical tool to increase Black male achievement. We can't depend on others to teach and mentor our young males,” said Mr. Frame.
To help young men express their gifts, Reginald 10X launched Chicago Hip-Hop Intellectual, Inc., a media and entertainment company. “The mainstream won't give the brothers from the street a chance and so with our company and magazine we're helping young people independently spread their God-given talents. With the training I receive in the Fruit of Islam class, I have been blessed to be received in some of the most gang infested areas in Chicago. Minister Farrakhan's guidance opens doors,” he said.
Washington, D.C. filmmaker Janks Morton tours the country speaking to young boys about manhood. He has also produced several short films and books that address Black single motherhood, the maternal anger of Black males, and why children need fathers in their lives.
“Fatherlessness affects girls just as much as it does boys. As men we have to be an example and teach our young boys about what manhood is. This work is all about the restoration of the family,” Mr. Morton, a husband and father, told The Final Call.
“It's a blessing to have my sons proud of me. I don't necessarily have all of the material things yet, but I'm showing them that I'm striving to be a better man. Because of Minister Farrakhan I still have my family,” said Stephen Muhammad.
“It's a lie that there are no good Black fathers or mentors around. But the only thing the media wants to highlight is the bad and unfortunately we do the same,” said Mr. Thomas
The Truth About Vaccines with Kevin Muhammad
Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to hear all the facts about vaccines and the very real dangers that these "medicines" represent to you and your children. The admission is free and dinner will be served.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Minister Louis Farrakhan is on Twitter!
Come check him out!
Minister Louis Farrakhan Writes an Open Letter to Muammar Gadhafi
Minister Louis Farrakhan Writes an Open Letter to Gadhafi